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a gloomy wood | a panther, nimble, light,And cover'd with a speckled skin, appear'd | With his head held aloft and hunger-mad | From out that savage wilderness |
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in such dismal plight | that perilous road | I enter'd on the deep and woody way. | Portrait of Dante Alighieri |
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All hope abandon ye who enter here | Desiring without hope | Who sets the world at chance | New torments, new tormented souls |
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Woe to you wicked spirits! hope notEver to see the sky again. | Gives sentence, and dismisses them beneath | When they arrive before the ruinous sweep | by that love which carries them along |
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Love brought us to one death | Dante's Inferno: 1705.jpg | Dante's Inferno: 1805.jpg | Dante's Inferno: Hell |
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Upon their emptiness, that substance seem'd | cruel monster, fierce and strange | Dante's Inferno: 2209.jpg | Dante's Inferno: 2309.jpg |
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Dante's Inferno: 2410.jpg | Dante's Inferno: 2711.jpg | Dante's Inferno: 2812.jpg | Dante's Inferno: 2912.jpg |